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I know because I made myself a guinea pig on one of those experiments, and trying to get off the soporific was a tough job. He could get more thoroughly restimulated in trying to come off a soporific. We have to have some quick method of handling inaccessible institutionalized cases… If one must do something by way of drugs for these people, better effects, according to medical observation, can be achieved by the administration of stimulants such as benzedrine.Ĭase Factors, an LRH lecture 15 June 1950 – Sedation of the neurotic or psychotic is a very dangerous practice. A cup or two of this occasionally alerts the analyzer enough so that it can reach through deeper layers of “unconsciousness.” Benzedrine and other commercial stimulants have been used with some success, particularly on psychotic patients.ĭianetics, Modern Science of Mental Health Book III, Chapter IX, Part Two: Mechanisms and Aspects of Therapy section “Drugs” The commonest and most easily obtainable is plain, strong coffee. There are some drugs which assist reverie, however. The best stimulant is benzedrine In its absence an overdose of coffee will do. But the primary technique consists of stimulants. Narco-synthesis and other drug therapies have some slight use in Dianetics. The purpose of the Dianetic reverie is to wake the patient up.

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(The red arrow below shows you where it is in the article.) Hubbard submitted an article to the Explorers Club Journal in 1949 – he recommends benzedrine. Hubbard was fascinated with benzedrine, he continued to recommend it in conjunction with Dianetic therapy. You do that in liason with a medical doctor.

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One of the ways one can take a catatonic and raise his necessity level artificially is to feed him full of Benzedrine. You are not allowed to give Benzedrine, however. Institutional Dianetics, an LRH lecture 23 June 1950 – One drug Hubbard used at Saint Elizabeths Hospital was benzedrine. Ron Hubbard was involved in this, he spent years practicing abreactive therapy combined with PDH at Saint Elizabeths Hospital. The CIA had psychiatrists doing research into the pain-drug-hypnosis behavior modification method and PDH was being done at Saint Elizabeths Hospital. The OSS became the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947, and the drug research was also being done underneath the CIA. One of the drugs they tested was Benzedrine. The US Navy began Project Chatter in the fall of 1947. They used the mental patients at Saint Elizabeths Hospital as their guinea pigs for this truth-telling cocktail of drugs. 116Īnother thing that the OSS researchers (White, Eldridge etc.) specifically advocated was combining morphine with scopalamine, in which a “state of twilight sleep” could be induced and that under such conditions a person would talk freely about things that they wouldn’t normally. Watson Eldridge was a doctor at Saint Elizabeths Hospital. Eldridge were using marijuana as part of interrogating prisoners. Per another CIA document referred to as OSS Truth Serum – George Hunter White and doctor Watson W. The chairman of the Truth Drug committee was Winfred Overholser.ġ January 1943 – The Truth Drug program was put under the Office of Research and Development in the Office of Strategic Services. The committee was first under the National Defense Research Council. They wanted to find a Truth Drug that would make the prisoners reveal secrets. Winfred Overholser was the Superintendent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital.ģ1 October 1942 – a committee was activated to investigate using drugs in the interrogation of Prisoners of War. Some of the drugs tested were morphine, mescaline, marijuana, barbituates, and benzedrine.ĭr. They began testing drugs looking for a speech-inducing drug that could be used in interrogation. They wanted to obtain intelligence from German prisoners of war and thought they could use drugs in interrogation to get the prisoners to reveal secrets. In October 1941, William Donovan set up the COI headquarters in Room 3603 of Rockefeller Center – the exact same place that was MI 6 headquarters in America. William Donovan was head of the Office of the Coordinator of Information, the forerunner of the Office of Strategic Services. They actually occupied the 35th and 36th floor. MI6 headquarters in America was located in Room 3603 of Rockefeller Center in New York City. 102 Smith, Kline & French then began advertising Benzedrine for “mild depression” in 1942.

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Sargant “successfully demonstrated the value of the amphetamine benzedrine in depression”. MI6 psychiatrist William Sargant used benzedrine for treating mental patients in 1936. Intelligence Assignment Research Speech-Inducing Drugs

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